It has never been more important to be responsible about how we treat our environment. We are the first generation to realise the damage we are doing to the planet and environment around us.
At Countryside Contracts we are committed to minimising our impact on the environment and have a passion in improving areas for wildlife.
Fencing is our core business, but we love nothing more than creating a new wildlife pond or wild flower meadow and planting trees and hedges to be enjoyed by future generations, also providing a home for nature.
When hay making, we leave large field margins for butterfly’s and owls to hunt in and if cutting up fallen trees a log stack can be created which is great for beetles.
A little consideration for nature can make a big difference. We all need to do our small part.

Timber selection
Where ever possible, the timber we use is FSC Certified.
What is FSC
The Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) is the Wolds most trusted sustainable forestry management solution.
FSC forest management certification confirms that the forest is being managed in a way that preserves environment, biological diversity and benefits the lives of local people and workers, while ensuring it sustains economic viability.
For more information please visit www.fsc.org/en
Hedgehogs can travel up to a mile each night through our parks and gardens in search of food and mates. Many people do not realise that fences pose a problem to hedgehogs and the hedgehog population. If you have a completely enclosed garden you maybe be getting in the way of their plans!
We now know that as our gardens become more and more secure and tidy this is one of the reasons why the hedgehog population has decrease by 50% in the last 10 years.

With this in mind we can supply and install a Jacksons hedgehog friendly gravel board for use with slotted posts to allow hedgehogs to roam freely between gardens at night.
This gravel board has a hole at one end large enough to allow hedgehogs free passage, with a reinforced strip along the top to ensure it is not weakened.
For more information on hedgehog conservation please visit www.hedgehogstreet.org
Nesting birds
When considering new fencing for your garden, if old fences are covered in ivy or adjacent to hedges, nesting birds could be present from March through to August. If the vegetation is so dense that a visual inspection is not possible for active nests it maybe best to delay work until later in the year.
When the new fence is up, why not add a nest box or bug hotel in a shady spot. We always like to source these from the RSPB so you know you are helping your local wildlife and the national conservation effort.

Waste disposal
Countryside Contracts Ltd are a registered upper tier waste carrier.
Registration Number CBDU218350.
How we dispose of our waste generated from your work is important to us. Rather than just landfilling or burning old fencing we remove from your property, we take it to Chambers waste Recycling Centre, Guildford. Chambers are Guildford’s leading waste recycler and currently recycle up to 98% of the waste they handle. The old fencing we pay them to dispose of is then chipped and used to fuel specialist power stations!

Phone: 01483 351411
Mobile: 07793 750511
Email: richard@countrysidecontractsltd.co.uk